Friday, July 12, 2013

Jenkins svnmerge plugin

The Jenkins SVN Merge plugin automates creating branches, integrating changes on branches back to trunk, and merging trunk changes back to your branch. It can also be used as a post-build publishing action, so that a passing branch job can automatically be merged back to trunk.

I discovered this plugin the other day, but I was disappointed that the second time I tried to integrate from my branch to trunk, it threw a NullPointerException. After some investigation into SVNKit and the Jenkins Subversion plugin, I figured out that the error was in the svnmerge plugin itself. So, I got myself a Github account, made a fork of the plugin that fixes the issue, sent a pull request, and it is now built and available for download.

This is my first use of Github, and I'm finding that the distributed development paradigm is pretty slick.

1 comment:

Indra Gunawan said...

HI Adam,

I ran into this Issue with latest version 1.2 when integrating to upstream either automatically or manually.

I thought I tried your 1.3-SNAPSHOT version but I ran into the same issue.
Are you running into the same issue?
The Jenkins I am running is version 1.509.3 LTS and Subversion plugin is 1.42. I will try again by first upgrading SVN plugin to latest 1.51.

I also wonder why don't you contribute back and request a commit to the Jenkins github so other Jenkins user can benefit. Could you contribute instead of forking?

Thank you.